pollen-flowers posted a photo
Donal at the entrance to the marquee at Northease Manor - 006-7.jpg
DCF 1.0
DCF 1.0
pollen-flowers posted a photo
first glimpse of the walkway to the chapel at wiston house - latest2010-1.jpg
Whe n rain no longer is clean - then food no longer remains healthy. No matter how powerful the rainy season is. The vital point always is to have a clean pure rain irrigating the planet. If however the rain water itself no longer is drinking quality, then the food growing with that rain also no longer is edible quality!
To avoid a global disaster, mankind needs to learn to shrink its needs and requirements and learn as well to fully integrate into nature again. Mankind needs to learn to live with nature, from nature, serving nature as its main resource of healthy life.
I have never seen anyone eating household appliances or electronic gadgets. The profits or wages earned by working in industries finally always is needed to buy food. Hence instead of working FOR industries to gain money, lagter used to buy food, we could as well work again much more for farming and gardening to directly produce the natural, clean and healthy organic food we otherwise would have to buy with money earned in ill-making jobs in an ill-making and polluted industrial environment.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia Pictures
The key to life is to have natural free water in abundance! Filtering or processed water is no substitute and no solution to the global water problem. Water needs to be reestablished in its original quality. Free from any pollution no matter the cost in financial or economical loss. Life is infinitely more valuable than any profits by industrialization!
Originally and until some 50-70 years ago, most rivers, creeks and ground water sources where of drinking quality of near drinking quality without any processing.
As a result all vegetables and other food needing water were healthy and clean all the way. In modern times all soil, all groundwater and all well water either is polluted or death. Resulting in polluted food growing out of polluted water or sick, weak vegetation needing all kinds of chemicals in an attempt to keep vegetation alive.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia Pictures
Info from:
Private Club
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