Robert Nyman
Like, flowers
Nice violete flowers
Robert Nyman
Like, flowers
flowers - 9349521e075917b1153f517bm7th1.jpg
Yellow flower with background out of focus
Crazy looking flower
pollen-flowers posted a photo
thank you bouquets in the lemon theme - 016-8.jpg
pollen-flowers posted a photo
P riceless natural rice free of chemicals. Planted with caring love - these rice fields are filled with beautiful healthy rice just good enough to be cut by hand.
Harvesting western style crop by hand however might be dangerous. Too many chemicals still remain on the crop. Modern societies such as Central Europe have started to understand the importance of organic farming and started to produce more and more products the natural way again.
Having a few farmers planting and harvesting for many as it is tradition on this planet is however unnatural and a burden to the few having to feed the world. Natural is that all have at least a small garden supplying most of their daily needs. Leaving but a few specialized items to be produced by smaller natural farms within neighborhood.
For this planet to survive, all people need to very substantially cut down their waste of resources and heavily excessive living style. Back to nature, a modest technology with a tiny fraction of energy consumption. That is a solution that needs no 2050 as a goal. That is a goal that each one of us can achieve within a few days or weeks. Simply by moving to a new location, changing job, starting to grow your own garden, live healthy and natural all the way, have housing that fits your pocket money. Pocket money = what you cash carry in your pocket today!
Caring love is needed toward our planet to offer a home to our children to come! If you wait for others to be first, you wait at least one day too long. If you wait for your government to help you, you wait for the wrong one. Your government loves power, tax and spending in warfare and experimental technology. Because your government, no matter what country - consists above all of pure egos, dropped far from God's heaven for a reason - Selfishness!
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