Monday, December 14, 2009

Plants anotated diagram

Asim Shah posted a photo:


The Notes of Music

pollen-flowers posted a photo

South Lodge Hotel - 064.jpg

Winter Berries

pollen-flowers posted a photo

romantic storm lanterns lit for the ceremony - 002-8.jpg

sam_youd_with_medal.jpgAfter a few nervous moments yesterday when I almost missed meeting up with the judges I can now reveal (with much excitement) that we won a gold medal for our display. I'm really pleased for everyone involved; all the hard work has finally paid off.

Of course now that the medal's been awarded there's no stopping me; I've already got a great idea for next year!

Asim Shah posted a photo:

the basket





Some call it lotus - others water lily - its beautiful anyway and that only matters. True beauty needs neither name nor address. True love also needs no name nor address. An amazing water lily closing its blossom as soon as the sun is getting hot. These days as early as about 1000 local time the purple water lily blossoms start to close until next day.
Hence to make purple lotus flower photos you need to get up early morning ... and you will get leeches almost guaranteed when standing an hour or more in deep water to make such lily photos ! Enjoy.
In album Lotus flowers

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Asim Shah posted a photo:

the basket

Pyracantha berries in Ben Lomond, CA USA

There's no turning back now the garden is finished and despite the torrential downpours and the blustery weather it is looking good!

We had a 'near miss' Saturday when one of my staff lost his footing on the top of the cave and nearly disappeared -just managing to save himself at the last moment.

Last minute tasks are in hand: putting in the posts to hold the rope to prevent marauding crowds from surging forward and destroying the garden; final positioning of the skull and bones; briefing of the staff on the plants, plan and the final tweak on the garden itself.

The judges' scouts have already been about. They are the ones who try to ascertain what medal an exhibitor deserves and also to warn what 'horrors' or otherwise they may face at the next exhibit.

I nearly missed meeting up with them as they were earlier than their allotted time and I was busy helping someone across the other avenue.

However it all worked out in the end and I think I may get a 'highly commended'. Watch this space!

Info from:

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