Monday, December 14, 2009

Rose moores hill indiana


atheana's photo


red_rhythm_by_lee_belgrau.jpgAt Tatton this year, colour themed planting schemes where the tones of the planting pick up the colours painted o n the fencing or hard landscaping are all the rage. One of the best is the fiery red scheme of 'Red Rhythm' designed by Lee Belgrau and Reaseheath College, a design where the scarlet tones of the crocosmia, dahlia and helenium, complement the red paint used in the hard landscaping.

If you prefer things a bit paler then the yellow theme, used by Phillipa Probert in her office courtyard entitled 'Revolution'. This would be a welcome retreat for any office worker, taking time out from the stresses of work to relax among the pastel plantings of white agapanthus and pale yellow anthemis.

revolution_by_philipa_probe.jpgSticking with the single colour theme, the bright orange colours of 'Lose the Shoes' are the perfect antidote to a grey day (and today was very grey). Here, designer Bernie Quinn has carefully woven together bright orange crocosmia, geum and dark flowered Cosmos atrosanguineus, the perfect complement to the vibrant orange walls.

Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers


agapanthus_plant_soc_marque.jpgI enjoy a quick foray into the National Plant Societies Marquee as there are always a wealth of unusual things on offer that aren't available from the large nurseries. This year th e displays put on by all the plant societies of the North West are especially good, with a wide range of plants available, everything from Brugmansia, Agapanthus and succulents to carnivorous Sarracenia.

Where some shows have a small table devoted to each one, at Tatton they do things differently, grouping all the plants together to make displays of mixed plant types from all the different exhibitors. The effect is a great display which really relates to everyday gardens, and shows that anyone can be a national collection holder and still have an interesting and varied garden.

plant_societies_marquee.jpgFor me the best part of the marquee was the stall, manned by groups from across the north of England and featured a wonderful mixture of different perennials, vegetables and houseplants all grown by the members themselves. Each plant was lovingly grown and labelled, and sold with the helpful advice of the person that propagated it. The effect was like a giant garden fete and certainly offered something for everyone. I was in my element buying far too many plants. Oh well at least I'll be able to take some cuttings and bring some plants back for them to sell next year.

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